
Biology Lab Lab Equipment Manufacturer, Suppliers and Exporter in China

Edu Lab China is a leading Biology Lab Manufacturer,and suppliers in China

Edu Lab China is a leading Biology Laboratory manufacturer and supplier in China. Our biology laboratory equipment is high quality and can be obtained by different institutions such as schools, universities, research facilities, and hospitals. Most of our equipment is useful in performing different experiments, research and also analysis within the biological field.

We stock a comprehensive variety of biology laboratories including microscopes, dissecting sets, glassware, analytic devices, biological stains, electrophoresis apparatus, DNA analysis instruments, cell cultivation apparatus and bioscience devices.

For all your requirements related to Biology Laboratory, trust us completely and viably. Choose Edu Lab China as your preferred Biology Laboratory manufacturer and supplier in China. The quality of products is high followed by competitive prices and wonderful customer service. Be assured of bringing the best products and support for your Laboratory.

Tulgren Funnel

Product Code : EL-BL-10823

Edulab China Horizontal support rod and bosshead included. A soil sample is placed on the perforated plate

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Product Code : EL-BL-10824

One tube holds the organisms and has a syringe for altering the level of liquid in the manometer during set up.

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Respiration Apparatus

Product Code : EL-BL-10825

Comprises two boiling tube each with stopper and two lengths, one short and one long

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Enzyme Biotechnology Kit

Product Code : EL-BL-10826

The use of micro-organisms which secrete large quantities of enzymes has in most cases replaced

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Office Address

Edu Lab China,
Henan, Zhengzhou City Hi-Tech Development Zone, China,

[email protected]

+852 4295 0616

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